A295229 Number of tilings of the n X n grid, using diagonal lines to connect the grid points. Each of the n^2 cells can be tiled with either / or \. These behave differently than a binary coloring under reflection or rotation. In particular, the symbols are interchanged by a horizontal or vertical reflection or by rotation through a quarter turn, but remain the same under a diagonal or antidiagonal reflection or by rotation through a half turn. A formula can be derived using Burnsides lemma considering the number of solutions that are invariant under each of the 8 symmetries. All solutions without regard to symmetry: 2^(n^2) Invariant under diagonal or antidiagonal reflection: 2^(n*(n+1)/2) For other symmetries it is necessary to consider whether n is even or odd. Case even n: Invariant under horizontal/vertical reflection: 2^(n^2/2) Invariant under quarter turn: 2^(n^2/4) Invariant under half turn: 2^(n^2/2) Case odd n: Invariant under horizonatl/vertical reflection: 0 Invariant under quarter turn: 0 Invariant under half turn: 2^((n^2+1)/2) Applying Burnside's lemma gives combined formula: Even n: a(n) = (2^(n^2) + 2*2^(n*(n+1)/2) + 3*2^(n^2/2) + 2*2^(n^2/4)) / 8. Odd n: a(n) = (2^(n^2) + 2*2^(n*(n+1)/2) + 2^((n^2+1)/2)) / 8.