Sum of two (possibly negative) coprime cubes in at least 2 ways, but not the sum of 2 noncoprime cubes.

%I #13 Feb 06 2018 13:02:51

%S 91,217,721,1027,1729,3367,4706,4921,4977,7657,8587,8911,9919,10621,

%T 14911,15561,16263,20683,21014,23877,25669,27937,28063,31519,35929,

%U 39331,40033,49959,63693,68705,68857,68913,73017,77653,77779,97309,98623,106597,109573

%N Sum of two (possibly negative) coprime cubes in at least 2 ways, but not the sum of 2 noncoprime cubes.

%C Not every term is cubefree; some are sb^3 where s is in A159843 and b > 1.

%H Rosalie Fay, <a href="/A293648/b293648.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..325</a>

%e 63693 = 34^3 + 29^3 = 53^3 - 44^3 and 34 & 29 are coprime, as are 53 & -44, but it is not also the sum of cubes of 2 noncoprime integers, so 63693 is in the sequence.

%Y Cf. A293647 (allows noncoprime); A293649 (only positives); A293646, A293651

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Rosalie Fay_, Oct 16 2017