Alternating row sums of the Sheffer triangle S2[3,2] given by A225466.

%I #7 Apr 10 2017 23:45:51

%S 1,-1,-8,-1,217,1196,-3725,-115777,-803150,3402485,145172737,

%T 1528780238,-1328359499,-320347469485,-5507171702648,-28294413916213,

%U 915647446089037,28738067698188692,369693788462739487,-1233559476327263869

%N Alternating row sums of the Sheffer triangle S2[3,2] given by A225466.

%C This is a generalization of sequence A000587 because S2[3,2] = A225466 is a generalization of the Stirling2 triangle A048993.

%C For the row sums see A284864.

%F a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} (-1)^k*(A225466(n, k), n >= 0.

%F E.g.f.: exp(2*x)*exp((1 - exp(3*x))) (Sheffer property).

%F a(n) = (1/e)*SUm_{m>=0} ((-1)^m / m!)*(2+3*m)^n, n >= 0, (DobiƄski type formula).

%Y Cf. A000587, A225466, A284864, A284860 (case [3,1]).

%K sign,easy

%O 0,3

%A _Wolfdieter Lang_, Apr 10 2017