Numbers k, not ending in 0, such that the consecutive digits of k^2 differ by 0 or 1.

%I #7 Mar 19 2017 19:29:56

%S 1,2,3,11,26,111,1111,11111,105462,111111,460688,753576,1111111,

%T 2806538,3513626,5858612,11111111,23335688,111111111,674874474,

%U 8226042716,2131535935501,81655720279388

%N Numbers k, not ending in 0, such that the consecutive digits of k^2 differ by 0 or 1.

%C Equivalently, numbers not ending in 0, whose square belong to A032981.

%C All members k ending in 1 are generators of infinite numbers of the form k*10^e which satisfy the same property. In a sense, here we list only "primitive" terms, not ending in 0.

%C a(24) > 10^17, if it exists.

%e 81655720279388 belongs to this sequence because the consecutive digits of its square, 6667656654345656676777654544, differ by 0 or 1.

%t Select[Range[10^6], Mod[#, 10] > 0 && Max@ Abs@ Differences@ IntegerDigits[ #^2] <= 1 &]

%Y Cf. A032981, A048412, A079036.

%K nonn,base,more

%O 1,2

%A _Giovanni Resta_, Mar 19 2017