Records r and indices s of records in A282849. Michael De Vlieger, St. Louis, Missouri 201711152100. i = index in this document. s = index of record r in A282849. r = record value in A282849. MN(s) = multiplicity notation rev(A054841(s)), concatenation of multiplicities of primes p represented by position. Example: 84 = 2^2 * 3 * 7 = "2101". i s r MN(s) -------------------------------------- 1 1 1 0 2 2 2 1 3 6 4 11 4 30 8 111 5 210 16 1111 6 2310 24 11111 7 3570 26 1111001 8 4830 28 111100001 9 11550 30 11211 10 30030 42 111111 11 43890 48 11111001 12 111930 50 1111010000001 13 131670 58 12111001 14 510510 80 1111111 15 690690 82 111111001 16 870870 92 1111110001