%I #10 Dec 13 2017 04:19:33
%S 0,1,13,15,16,18,19,20,31,32,127,146,147,151,152,154,155,183,184,188,
%T 4852,4854,4855,5375,5490,5493,5539,5540,5542,5547,5624,5625,5628,
%U 5629,5649,5652,5657,5659,5661,5662,5664,5667,5669,5670,5671,5672,5674,5681,5685,5687,5688,5696,5701,5703,5718,5731,5733,5735,5738,5827,5829,5830
%N Number of initial digits of ternary Pi wherein the digit counts of zeros and twos are exactly equal.
%H Hans Havermann, <a href="/A278978/b278978.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..7441</a>
%e Ternary Pi is 10.01021101222201021100211...
%e 0 is in the sequence because the first 0 digits contain 0 zeros and 0 twos.
%e 15 is in the sequence because the first 15 digits contain 5 zeros and 5 twos.
%e 16 is in the sequence because the first 16 digits contain 5 zeros and 5 twos.
%Y Cf. A004602, A039624, A278975, A278977, A278979.
%K nonn,base
%O 1,3
%A _Hans Havermann_, Dec 03 2016