Creating mega-periodic Fractions by Arnout Jaspers If you write 1/7 as a decimal number, you get The bar(..) above the 6 digits means that the group is repeated indefinitely. We say: the period of 1/7 is 6. In the article "The period of a decimal number" in the January issue we stated (without proof): Take two prime numbers a and b. If their inverses 1/a and 1/b, written as decimals, have periods p_a and p_b, the product 1/(a*b) has period lcm(p_a,p_b). Here lcm means the least common multiple. With the aid of 9-numbers of the previous article the proof is easy. We show it by example, taking a=7 and b=17. We observed that 1/7 has period 6. Also 1/17= has period 16. Then the fraction 1/(7*17) =1/119, written as decimal, should have period lcm(6,16)=48. Earlier we showed that each periodic fraction may be written as a fraction with a 9-number in the denominator: = 142'857/999'999 and'235'294'117'647/9'999'999'999'999'999. Observe that the number of 9's in the denominator equals the period of the decimal number. In addition we should have 1/7=142857/999'999 and 1/17 = 588'235'294'117'647/9'999'999'999'999'999 and this is true, because 7*1542857 =999'999 and 17*588'235'294'117'647=9'999'999'999'999'999. In fact the period of a fraction (written as a decimal): 999'999 is the smallest 9-number with a factor of 7, and the smallest 9-number with a factor of 17 is 9'999'999'999'999'999. Writing a periodic fraction as a simple fraction with a 9-number in the denominator now demands: (*) For 1/(7*17), the product of 1/7 by 1/17, we need a 9-number in the denominator with a factor of 7 as well as a factor of 17, so we may write 1/119 = 1/(7*17)=(some integer number)/(9-number with factor 7 and factor 17). Now we use two properties of 9-numbers that we already proved: - a 9-number of P-1 digits has at least one factor P (if P is neither 2 nor 5) - if the 9-number with N digits is the smallest 9-number with P as factor, then all the 9-numbers N, 2N, 3N.. have one or more factors P. Applied to our example this means we already know that 999'999 must contain a factor 7 and 9'999'999'999'999'999 a factor 17. How do we construct a 9-number that has a factor 7 as well as a factor 17? Easy: because of the second property all 9-numbers with 6, 12, 18... digits contain a factor 7, and all 9-numbers with 16, 32,.. digits contain a factor 17. The smallest 9-numbers that is in both sequences is the 9-number with lcm(6,16)=48 digits. By the second property these two sequences are also the *only* 9-number with the factors 7 and 17, and therefore the 9-number with 48 digits is indeed the smallest possible one. This means the faction 1/119 is written as (an integer with 48 digits)/(9-number with 48 digits). In decimal this is a fraction with period 48, i.e. 1/ Quadratic base fractions. ------------------------- If a=b this rule cannot hold, as lcm(a,a)=a. We return to the requirement stated in (*), but in view of the case a=b, with a=7 as example: (*) For 1/(7*7) we need a 9-number in the denominator with two factors 7, so we can write 1/49=1/(7*7) = (an integer)/(9-number with two factors 7). We already know that 1/7 has period 6, so the 9-numbers with 6, 12, 18... digits all have a factor 7. But how does another factor 7 join? In general: if the smallest 9-number with a factor P with N digits is 10^N-1, what is the smallest 9-numbers with a factor P^2? As 10^N-1 has a factor P, it is a multiple V of P, so we can write 10^N-1=V*P whence 10^N=V*P+1 and 10^(P*N)=(10^N)^P=(V*P+1)^P. Write this using Newton's binomial expansion, (a+b)^M. (VP+1)^P=(VP)^P+P*(VP)^(P-1)+...+P(P-1)*(VP)^2+P(VP)+1. We now have 10^(PN)-1=(VP)^P+P*(VP)^(P-1)+...+P(P-1)*(VP)^2+P*(VP). All terms on the right hand side have a factor P^2, so 10^(PN)-1 is a 9-number with P*N digits that is divisible by P^2, precisely what we looked for. But is 10^(PN)-1 the *smallest* 9-number with factor P^2? Assume that there is a smaller 9-number with factor P^2. This 9-number then has the form 10^(A*N)-1 (because all these 9-numbers have one or more factors) with A