%I #6 Oct 19 2016 08:00:22
%S 1,10000,73440,95120,218510,221220,222220,242900,245610,289970,344070
%N Like 5-white numbers but with blocks of 5 starting at left.
%e 73440^5 = 2136305413264402022400000 and 21363 + 05413 + 26440 + 20224 + 00000 = 73440.
%p P:=proc(q,h) local a,b,c,d,n; print(0); for n from 1 to q do
%p a:=n^h; d:=ilog10(n^h)+1; c:=d-h*trunc(d/h); b:=0;
%p while a>0 do b:=b+(a mod 10^c); a:=trunc(a/10^c); c:=h; od;
%p if n=b then print(n); fi; od; end: P(10^15,5);
%Y Cf. A037042-A037045, A274833, A274834, A277397, A277399, A277400.
%K nonn,base,easy,fini,full
%O 1,2
%A _Paolo P. Lava_, Oct 13 2016