Positive integers not shotgun (or Schrotschuss) numbers, in order of the first number to be permuted forward by the transformations T[k] where k = 2 or k is odd.

%I #13 Mar 15 2016 00:28:02

%S 2,3,5,7,10,11,13,21,17,19,30,23,27,25,29,31,45,42,37,54,41,43,65,47,

%T 50,69,53,66,78,59,61,63,86,67,93,71,73,105,85,79,74,83,110,117,89,

%U 112,126,115,97,99,101

%N Positive integers not shotgun (or Schrotschuss) numbers, in order of the first number to be permuted forward by the transformations T[k] where k = 2 or k is odd.

%C In the construction of the shotgun numbers (A064494), the first element to be shifted forward by T[k] where k = 2 or k is odd will also be shifted forward by subsequent transformations T[2^n*k], and will therefore not appear in that sequence. In particular, no prime numbers appear in A064494, and an odd prime p is element (p+1)/2 in this list.

%Y Cf. A064494. Sorted gives A064627.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Timothy Mott_, Jan 02 2016