Odd numbers that are neither of the form p + 2^k nor of the form p - 2^k with k > 0, and p prime.

%I #11 Nov 22 2015 15:21:41

%S 30666137,31210219,52109063,52504261,55414847,55876981,57816799,

%T 60097043,63723707,68748319,79933129,87747827,88486403,93034073,

%U 104218883,131873509,138385817,152485283,155269609,158241023,165795677,166441831,177702619,197903207

%N Odd numbers that are neither of the form p + 2^k nor of the form p - 2^k with k > 0, and p prime.

%C Odd n such that for all k > 0 the numbers n + 2^k and n - 2^k are nonprimes.

%F A006285 INTERSECT A076336.

%Y Cf. A006285, A076335, A076336. Subsequence of A255967. A263645 gives the primes.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Arkadiusz Wesolowski_, Oct 22 2015