Capped binary boundary codes for holeless strictly non-overlapping polyhexes, only the maximal representative from each equivalence class obtained by rotating.

%I #17 Jul 06 2015 23:40:38

%S 1,127,2014,7918,31606,32122,32188,126394,127930,128476,486838,503254,

%T 503482,505306,505564,506332,511450,511462,511708,511804,513514,

%U 513772,513778,514540,514804,514936,2012890,2012902,2013916,2021098,2021212,2022124,2025196,2039254,2043610,2043622,2045674,2045788,2046700

%N Capped binary boundary codes for holeless strictly non-overlapping polyhexes, only the maximal representative from each equivalence class obtained by rotating.

%C Indexing starts from zero, because a(0) = 1 is a special case, indicating an empty path, which thus ends at the same vertex as where it started from.

%C A258204(n) gives the count of terms with binary width 2n + 1.

%H Antti Karttunen, <a href="/A258003/b258003.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..874</a>

%o (Scheme, with _Antti Karttunen_'s IntSeq-library)

%o (define A258003 (MATCHING-POS 0 1 (lambda (n) (and (negative? (A037861 n)) (= (A256999 n) n) (isA255571? n) (isA255571? (A080542 n))))))

%o ;; Code for isA255571? given in A255571.

%Y Intersection of A257250 and A258002.

%Y Subsequence of A258013.

%Y Subsequence: A258005.

%Y Cf. A037861, A080541, A080542, A255571, A256999, A258204.

%Y Cf. also A258004 (the same terms without the most significant bit, slightly more compact representation).

%K nonn,base

%O 0,2

%A _Antti Karttunen_, May 16 2015