Number of (n+1)X(2+1) 0..2 arrays with every 2X2 subblock diagonal maximum minus antidiagonal maximum unequal to its neighbors horizontally, vertically and nw-se diagonally

%I #5 Jan 07 2015 15:12:37

%S 518,3318,25062,181308,1284808,9172142,65613880,467877898,3342085566,

%T 23863144636,170361773052,1216457665598,8685298245814,62011878783818,

%U 442766165059484,3161297854578070,22571505980125104,161159074186279688

%N Number of (n+1)X(2+1) 0..2 arrays with every 2X2 subblock diagonal maximum minus antidiagonal maximum unequal to its neighbors horizontally, vertically and nw-se diagonally

%C Column 2 of A253662

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A253656/b253656.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210</a>

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A253656/a253656.txt">Empirical recurrence of order 76</a>

%F Empirical recurrence of order 76 (see link above)

%e Some solutions for n=4

%e ..0..0..2....0..0..1....2..0..1....2..1..0....0..0..1....1..0..2....2..1..0

%e ..1..1..1....2..0..2....1..0..1....1..0..2....0..2..1....2..0..2....1..1..0

%e ..2..0..2....1..1..2....1..0..0....1..0..0....1..1..0....2..0..0....0..0..2

%e ..1..0..0....0..0..0....0..0..2....0..0..2....1..0..2....0..2..1....2..1..0

%e ..2..0..2....1..0..2....0..2..2....1..0..2....0..2..1....0..0..0....0..2..2

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Jan 07 2015