Moments of 6-step random walk in 4 dimensions.

%I #18 Apr 05 2024 11:10:14

%S 1,6,51,546,6906,99156,1573011,27045906,496875786,9648849516,

%T 196398517266,4162468827996,91368155193516,2068136816127336,

%U 48099850263089271,1146002911372510146,27900188933013974226,692586162911883821196,17497841261192358474126,449207277104544688505556

%N Moments of 6-step random walk in 4 dimensions.

%H Georg Fischer, <a href="/A253097/b253097.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..400</a>

%H J. M. Borwein, <a href="https://carmamaths.org/resources/jon/beauty.pdf">A short walk can be beautiful</a>, 2015.

%H Jonathan M. Borwein, Armin Straub and Christophe Vignat, <a href="http://carmamaths.org/resources/jon/dwalks.pdf">Densities of short uniform random walks, Part II: Higher dimensions</a>, Preprint, 2015.

%Y Cf. A253095 (4-step), A253096 (5-step).

%K nonn

%O 0,2

%A _N. J. A. Sloane_, Feb 16 2015