%I #26 Mar 24 2015 04:30:48
%S 1,5,11,13,14,31
%N Indices of primes in A055729(m), where A055729(m) is the number of primes <= 3^m.
%C A055729 is the sequence primepi(3^n). A087865 are the terms of A055729 that are prime. a(n) is the index of the n-th prime term in A055729.
%e 1 is a term since A055729(1) = 2 is prime.
%e The next prime appearing in A055729 is 53, which occurs at index 5, so a(2)=5.
%t Select[Range@49,PrimeQ[PrimePi[3^#]]&]
%Y Cf. A055729, A087865.
%K nonn,more
%O 1,2
%A _David Baugh_, Mar 21 2015