Squares of the digits of the decimal expansion of e.

%I #14 Mar 19 2023 18:44:55

%S 4,49,1,64,4,64,1,64,4,64,16,25,81,0,16,25,4,9,25,9,36,0,4,64,49,16,

%T 49,1,9,25,4,36,36,4,16,81,49,49,25,49,4,16,49,0,81,9,36,81,81,81,25,

%U 81,25,49,16,81,36,36,81,36,49,36,4,49,49,4,16,0,49,36

%N Squares of the digits of the decimal expansion of e.

%t RealDigits[E,10,120][[1]]^2 (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jan 22 2015 *)

%o (Python)

%o import math

%o s = "4"

%o for c in str(math.e * 10 ** 15)[1:-2]:

%o s = s + ", " + str(int(c) * int(c))

%o print(s)

%Y Cf. A001113.

%K nonn,easy,base

%O 1,1

%A _Irving Rivas_, Oct 08 2014

%E More terms from _Harvey P. Dale_, Jan 22 2015