Prime numbers P such that Q=4*P^2+1, R=4*Q^2+1, S=4*R^2+1, T=4*S^2+1 and Q, R, S, T are all prime numbers.

%I #8 Aug 08 2019 12:37:29

%S 9220303,16079387,17232253,43606237,66063373,85403083,97649917,

%T 104719757,159685553,180467533,197072563,344777863,492619373,

%U 517774063,647320727,672712637,715230127,769494413,790845563,909545573,944196137,975302173,1120585597,1123182763

%N Prime numbers P such that Q=4*P^2+1, R=4*Q^2+1, S=4*R^2+1, T=4*S^2+1 and Q, R, S, T are all prime numbers.

%C Subsequence of A122429.

%H Pierre CAMI, <a href="/A245746/b245746.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..30</a>

%t pnQ[n_]:=Module[{q=4n^2+1,r,s,t},r=4q^2+1;s=4r^2+1;t=4s^2+1;AllTrue[ {q,r,s,t},PrimeQ]]; Select[Prime[Range[5678*10^4]],pnQ] (* The program uses the AllTrue function from Mathematica version 10 *) (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 08 2019 *)

%Y Cf. A052291, A122424, A122429.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Pierre CAMI_, Jul 31 2014