Least product of consecutive positive integers which is divisible by each of 1, 2, ..., n.

%I #14 Mar 13 2018 04:08:23

%S 2,2,6,12,60,60,420,840,2520,2520,55440,55440,360360,360360,360360,

%T 2162160,85765680,85765680,33522128640,33522128640,33522128640,

%U 33522128640,19275223968000,19275223968000,19275223968000

%N Least product of consecutive positive integers which is divisible by each of 1, 2, ..., n.

%C For n > 1, clearly a(n) is bounded below by lcm(1,2,...,n) and bounded above by n!. Further, a(n) is a positive multiple of lcm(1,2,...,n). Any product of two or more consecutive positive integers may be expressed as m!/k!, where 0 <= k <= m-2. For this sequence, the m corresponding to a(n) may or may not be a multiple of n. Whenever a(n) can be expressed as the product of exactly two consecutive integers, it is a term of A002378. See the a-file link for further comments.

%H Rick L. Shepherd, <a href="/A244656/b244656.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..36</a>

%H Rick L. Shepherd, <a href="/A244656/a244656.txt">Sample program output and calculation notes</a>

%e a(7) = 20*21 = 21!/19! = 420 because 420 is divisible by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and no positive integer less than 420 is divisible by each of these. Here, 420 = lcm(1,2,3,4,5,6,7). 420 is an oblong (or promic) number (A002378).

%e a(11) = 7*8*9*10*11 = 11!/6! = 55440. Here, 27720 = lcm(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11), but 27720 cannot be represented as a product of consecutive positive integers.

%e a(31) = 6081487775*6081487776 = 36984493563555938400, also a promic number.

%o (PARI)

%o {a(n) =

%o local(L, M, i, k = 0, s = 0, ret = 0, d, divs2,

%o st, pr, prt = 1); /* Use prt = 0 to suppress printing. */

%o if(n < 1, return, if(n < 3, ret = 2,

%o L = lcm(vector(n, i, i));

%o M = n!/L;

%o while(k < M,

%o k++;

%o s += L; d = divisors(s); divs2 = #d \ 2;

%o st = 2; pr = d[st];

%o i = 0;

%o while(st + i <= divs2,

%o if(d[st + i + 1] == d[st + i] + 1,

%o pr *= d[st + i + 1]; i++;

%o if(pr == s,

%o if(prt,

%o print1("k*L = ", k, "*", L, " = ",

%o s, " = ", d[st], "*");

%o if(d[st + i] > d[st] + 2, print1("...*"),

%o if(d[st + i] == d[st] + 2,

%o print1(d[st] + 1, "*")));

%o print(d[st + i], " = ", d[st + i], "!/",

%o d[st] - 1, "!"));

%o ret = s; break(2),

%o if(pr > s, st++; pr = d[st]; i = 0)),

%o if(pr < s, st += i + 1, st++); pr = d[st]; i = 0)))));

%o return(ret)}

%Y Cf. A003418, A000142, A025527, A002378.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Rick L. Shepherd_, Jul 03 2014, Sep 14 2014