Prime numbers whose decimal expansion has the same digit sum as its hexadecimal expansion, and such that the number of bits in its binary expansion matches the digit sum. Only digits 1-9 are allowed in both the decimal and hexadecimal expansions.

%I #15 May 13 2021 08:03:23

%S 2,1361,1811,4423,5233,5413,33811,2181217,2233417,2234227,2241427,

%T 2253127,2311537,2315317,2512417,2631217,3225127,3412327,3421237,

%U 3422227,3621217,4264313,4274213,4281413,4282133,4331543,4346213,4412183,4412453,4417313,4428113,4532513,4535123,4543313,4551233

%N Prime numbers whose decimal expansion has the same digit sum as its hexadecimal expansion, and such that the number of bits in its binary expansion matches the digit sum. Only digits 1-9 are allowed in both the decimal and hexadecimal expansions.

%C The sequence has a finite number of terms.

%C The sequence is a subset of A244597.

%H Andreas Boe, <a href="/A244614/b244614.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..9304</a>

%H The sequence was calculated by the author to be able to write a mathematical poem: <a href="https://nerdology.info/poems/eighteen-eleven/">Eighteen Eleven</a>.

%e Decimal prime number 1811 (digit sum eleven) = Hex 713 (digit sum eleven) = Binary 11100010011 (eleven bits).

%Y Cf. A243617, A243619, A244597.

%K nonn,base,fini

%O 1,1

%A _Andreas Boe_, Jul 02 2014