Primes p such that, in base 17, p = the cumulative sum of the digit-mult(digit-sum(prime)) of each prime <= p.

%I #9 May 21 2014 00:22:15

%S 105701,160309,927137,927149,964973,2329081,2329097,2329549,2384587,

%T 3228733,3237527,3242851,7338377,7338431,7338557,7338719

%N Primes p such that, in base 17, p = the cumulative sum of the digit-mult(digit-sum(prime)) of each prime <= p.

%F The function digit-mult(n) multiplies all digits d of n, where d > 0. For example, digit-mult(1230) = 1 * 2 * 3 = 6. Therefore, in base 17, digit-mult(digit-sum(9999)) = digit-mult(22) = 2 * 2 = 4 (22 in base 17 = 36 in base 10).

%e 105701 = digit-mult(digit-sum(2)) + digit-mult(digit-sum(3)) + ... digit-mult(digit-sum(148CC)) = digit-mult(2) + digit-mult(3) + ... digit-mult(23) = 2 + 3 + ... 2*3. Note that 148CC and 23 in base 17 = 105701 and 37 in base 10.

%Y Cf. A240886.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Anthony Sand_, May 16 2014