Number of (n+1)X(1+1) 0..3 arrays with the maximum plus the minimum of every 2X2 subblock differing from its horizontal and vertical neighbors by exactly one

%I #4 Feb 17 2014 12:31:30

%S 256,1592,9884,59772,378708,2285576,14349272,86693008,546582828,

%T 3300593268,20768825876,125443787248,790067077480,4771492579096,

%U 30039037764956,181425384418428,1142390702895284,6899484032213320

%N Number of (n+1)X(1+1) 0..3 arrays with the maximum plus the minimum of every 2X2 subblock differing from its horizontal and vertical neighbors by exactly one

%C Column 1 of A238081

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A238074/b238074.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210</a>

%F Empirical: a(n) = 17*a(n-2) +736*a(n-4) +2353*a(n-6) +2483*a(n-8) +800*a(n-10) for n>11

%e Some solutions for n=4

%e ..2..2....0..2....1..1....0..0....3..2....0..1....1..0....1..1....2..2....1..3

%e ..2..0....2..3....2..0....1..2....1..1....3..1....2..1....1..3....2..0....3..1

%e ..3..1....1..1....3..1....1..1....1..2....1..2....1..1....2..0....3..1....0..2

%e ..3..3....2..1....3..3....2..0....1..0....2..2....1..1....1..1....3..2....0..0

%e ..2..0....3..1....3..2....3..3....0..1....0..1....2..1....1..0....3..0....3..3

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Feb 17 2014