Number of overcompositions of n that contain at least two parts in increasing order and that contain at least one overlined part.

%I #10 Feb 24 2014 18:18:48

%S 0,0,0,3,9,27,83,211,522,1222,2874,6496,14593,32185,70423,153024,

%T 330195,708933,1514821,3224134,6836547,14455648,30475210,64096487,

%U 134493519,281642590,588642240,1228160742,2558300338,5321065857,11051923912,22925167566

%N Number of overcompositions of n that contain at least two parts in increasing order and that contain at least one overlined part.

%C Number of overcompositions of n minus the number of overpartitions of n plus the number of partitions of n minus the number of compositions of n.

%F a(n) = A236002(n) - A015128(n) + A000041(n) - A011782(n) = A236002(n) - A230441(n) - A011782(n) = A237045(n) - A056823(n).

%Y Cf. A000041, A011782, A015128, A056823, A230441, A236002, A236633, A237044, A237045.

%K nonn

%O 0,4

%A _Omar E. Pol_, Feb 09 2014