Primes which become squares when the digits are rotated once to the right.

%I #6 Jan 02 2014 04:52:11

%S 61,211,613,619,691,2251,3643,3691,3967,4099,4441,4813,7213,8443,

%T 12049,16843,21001,24169,27691,30259,32251,39241,39847,41611,42499,

%U 46411,48649,50767,61291,63841,67219,69001,72493,79561,79699,84163,84961,87691,88093,96001

%N Primes which become squares when the digits are rotated once to the right.

%e The prime 3691 is in the list because 1369 = 37*37.

%o (PARI) rotr(a) = if(a<10, a, eval(Str(a%10, a\10)))

%o s=[]; forprime(n=2, 200000, if(issquare(rotr(n)), s=concat(s, n))); s

%Y Cf. A234926.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _Colin Barker_, Jan 01 2014