Number of nX5 0..5 arrays with no element x(i,j) adjacent to value 5-x(i,j) horizontally, diagonally, antidiagonally or vertically, top left element zero, and 1 appearing before 2 3 and 4, and 2 appearing before 3 in row major order

%I #4 Dec 06 2013 06:10:01

%S 99,39203,21895530,12389989684,7027777888700,3987381898274165,

%T 2262465262533395122,1283750879072515499846,728417859359640269016202,

%U 413314485961750753937325815,234520446849081354380794520582

%N Number of nX5 0..5 arrays with no element x(i,j) adjacent to value 5-x(i,j) horizontally, diagonally, antidiagonally or vertically, top left element zero, and 1 appearing before 2 3 and 4, and 2 appearing before 3 in row major order

%C Column 5 of A233230

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A233227/b233227.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..210</a>

%e Some solutions for n=2

%e ..0..1..0..1..1....0..1..1..2..1....0..0..1..1..2....0..1..5..1..2

%e ..1..2..2..1..5....1..1..2..1..5....1..3..0..1..2....0..1..2..1..5

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Dec 06 2013