Primes seen in decimal expansion of e, contiguous, smallest and distinct, with terms larger than 10^100 replaced by 0.

%I #25 Mar 11 2023 07:12:21

%S 2,7,0,5,3,11,80232878250981945581530175671,73,61,332069,811,2509961,

%T 81881593,41,0,30592123,66771943252786753,0,0,6343,490769,64237,

%U 2229435236612557250881,47,79,223,151,97,477806056967,253801,71,0,0,9467,83,48197

%N Primes seen in decimal expansion of e, contiguous, smallest and distinct, with terms larger than 10^100 replaced by 0.

%C Sequence A047777 is the analog for Pi.

%C Without the admittedly arbitrary clause "terms larger than ... replaced by zero", the sequence could not be stored beyond its second term, since the 3rd term would have 649 digits (and the 15th term would have 441 digits). Although this restriction is arbitrary, several other (maybe more natural) alternatives (for example, larger than the concatenation of the preceding/following 10 terms...) would yield the same initial terms.

%o (PARI) default(realprecision,5000);c=exp(1)/10;u=[];for(k=0,9e9,ispseudoprime(c\.1^k) & !setsearch(u,c\.1^k) & (u=setunion(u,Set(c\.1^k))) & !print1(c\.1^k,",") & k=0*c=frac(c*10^k))

%Y Cf. A001113, A007512, A047777, A064118, A229155.

%K nonn,base

%O 1,1

%A _M. F. Hasler_, Sep 15 2013

%E More terms from _Jinyuan Wang_, Mar 26 2020