%I #11 Jul 21 2013 14:12:35
%S 3,10,89,1003,10062,100053,999965,9999309,100000777
%N Number of times the digit 5 appears in the first 10^n digits of Catalan's constant.
%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CatalansConstantDigits.html">Catalan's Constant Digits</a>
%Y Cf. A006752 (decimal expansion of Catalan's constant).
%Y Cf. A224615 (number of times the digit 0 appears).
%Y Cf. A224616 (number of times the digit 1 appears).
%Y Cf. A224696 (number of times the digit 2 appears).
%Y Cf. A224706 (number of times the digit 3 appears).
%Y Cf. A224717 (number of times the digit 4 appears).
%Y Cf. A224774 (this sequence).
%Y Cf. A224775 (number of times the digit 6 appears).
%Y Cf. A224816 (number of times the digit 7 appears).
%Y Cf. A224817 (number of times the digit 8 appears).
%Y Cf. A224818 (number of times the digit 9 appears).
%K nonn,hard,base
%O 1,1
%A _Eric W. Weisstein_, Jul 20 2013