T(n,k)=Number of nXk 0..3 arrays with every row having the same least squares slope fit to a straight line, and every column the same least squares slope fit to a straight line, with a single point array taken as having zero slope

%I #4 Mar 13 2013 13:56:58

%S 4,16,16,64,44,64,256,136,136,256,1024,452,1632,452,1024,4096,1576,

%T 6794,6794,1576,4096,16384,5684,131776,19300,131776,5684,16384,65536,

%U 21016,713324,480598,480598,713324,21016,65536,262144,79172,16579616,1776550

%N T(n,k)=Number of nXk 0..3 arrays with every row having the same least squares slope fit to a straight line, and every column the same least squares slope fit to a straight line, with a single point array taken as having zero slope

%C Table starts

%C .......4......16.........64.......256.........1024.......4096........16384

%C ......16......44........136.......452.........1576.......5684........21016

%C ......64.....136.......1632......6794.......131776.....713324.....16579616

%C .....256.....452.......6794.....19300.......480598....1776550.....60959690

%C ....1024....1576.....131776....480598....108007936..624501712.236336828768

%C ....4096....5684.....713324...1776550....624501712.2396299856

%C ...16384...21016...16579616..60959690.236336828768

%C ...65536...79172..101534218.244824466

%C ..262144..302536.2587754048

%C .1048576.1168724

%C .4194304

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A223066/b223066.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..71</a>

%e Some solutions for n=3 k=4

%e ..2..3..3..3....3..2..3..2....2..1..3..2....0..2..1..0....0..2..3..2

%e ..1..2..2..2....3..2..0..3....1..1..0..2....2..0..2..1....0..2..0..3

%e ..0..1..1..1....3..2..3..2....2..1..3..2....1..3..2..1....0..2..3..2

%Y Column 1 is A000302

%Y Column 2 is A183634(n-1)

%K nonn,tabl

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Mar 13 2013