T(n,k)=Number of nXk 0..3 arrays with no more than floor(nXk/2) elements equal to at least one horizontal, diagonal or antidiagonal neighbor, with new values introduced in row major 0..3 order

%I #4 Mar 12 2013 18:34:40

%S 1,1,2,2,8,5,11,98,105,15,34,1265,3780,1585,51,131,17356,229437,

%T 255943,23107,187,438,241583,8580619,42964721,10904199,353631,715,

%U 2150,3395532,545607733,7361951209,8206670940,751990800,5338646,2795,7676,48048796

%N T(n,k)=Number of nXk 0..3 arrays with no more than floor(nXk/2) elements equal to at least one horizontal, diagonal or antidiagonal neighbor, with new values introduced in row major 0..3 order

%C Table starts

%C .....1........1...........2............11............34...........131

%C .....2........8..........98..........1265.........17356........241583

%C .....5......105........3780........229437.......8580619.....545607733

%C ....15.....1585......255943......42964721....7361951209.1278533695058

%C ....51....23107....10904199....8206670940.3829674402996

%C ...187...353631...751990800.1590576924149

%C ...715..5338646.33007705273

%C ..2795.81874696

%C .11051

%H R. H. Hardin, <a href="/A223041/b223041.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..49</a>

%e Some solutions for n=3 k=4

%e ..0..1..0..2....0..1..2..3....0..1..0..0....0..1..2..0....0..1..2..2

%e ..3..1..3..2....0..1..1..2....2..1..3..2....3..0..2..3....0..1..2..3

%e ..2..2..1..1....2..3..0..3....3..2..0..2....2..0..1..2....3..1..2..3

%Y Column 1 is A007581(n-1)

%Y Column 2 is A222839

%Y Row 1 is A222650

%K nonn,tabl

%O 1,3

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Mar 12 2013