Consecutive values produced by the C++ ranlux48 random number generator with the default seed (19780503).

%I #8 Sep 10 2015 01:10:49

%S 23459059301164,28639057539807,276846226770426,130971693943559,

%T 84358451161020,208150879060961,71914269758754,242506792212635,

%U 257147515259684,55344035667239,280360381592565,269312768919532,29890265102331,124733844892363,192577305828636,73839672853778

%N Consecutive values produced by the C++ ranlux48 random number generator with the default seed (19780503).

%C The ranlux48 generator takes the first 11 values from each block of 389 values of ranlux48_base (A221560).

%H Eric M. Schmidt, <a href="/A221562/b221562.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>

%H M. Luescher, <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-lat/9309020"> A portable high-quality random number generator for lattice field theory calculations</a>, arXiv.

%H <a href="/index/Ps#PRN">Index entries for sequences related to pseudo-random numbers.</a>

%o (C++)

%o #include <iostream>

%o #include <random>

%o void A221562(int max)

%o {

%o std::ranlux48 gen;

%o for (int i = 1; i <= max; ++i)

%o std::cout << i << ' ' << gen() << '\n';

%o }

%Y Cf. A221559, A221560, A221561.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Eric M. Schmidt_, Jan 20 2013