Simple continued fraction expansion of product {k >= 0} (1 - 2*(N - sqrt(N^2-1))^(4*k+3))/(1 - 2*(N - sqrt(N^2-1))^(4*k+1)) at N = 4.

%I #22 Feb 13 2024 03:20:48

%S 1,2,1,60,1,242,1,3840,1,15122,1,238140,1,937442,1,14760960,1,

%T 58106402,1,914941500,1,3601659602,1,56711612160,1,223244789042,1,

%U 3515205012540,1,13837575261122,1,217885999165440,1,857706421400642,1,13505416743244860,1

%N Simple continued fraction expansion of product {k >= 0} (1 - 2*(N - sqrt(N^2-1))^(4*k+3))/(1 - 2*(N - sqrt(N^2-1))^(4*k+1)) at N = 4.

%C Simple continued fraction expansion of product {k >= 0} (1 - 2*(N - sqrt(N^2-1))^(4*k+3))/(1 - 2*(N - sqrt(N^2-1))^(4*k+1)) at N = 4. For other cases see A221075 (N = 2), A221193 (N = 3) and A221195 (N = 5).

%C Denoting the present sequence by [1, c(1), 1, c(2), 1, c(3), 1, ...] then for n >= 0 the sequence [1, c(2*n+1), 1, c(2*(2*n+1)), 1, c(3*(2*n+1)), 1, ...] gives the simple continued fraction expansion of product {k >= 0} (1 - 2*((4 - sqrt(15))^(2*n+1))^(4*k+3))/(1 - 2*((4 - sqrt(15))^(2*n+1))^(4*k+1)).

%H Peter Bala, <a href="/A174500/a174500_2.pdf">Some simple continued fraction expansions for an infinite product, Part 1</a>

%H <a href="/index/Rec#order_10">Index entries for linear recurrences with constant coefficients</a>, signature (0,1,0,62,0,-62,0,-1,0,1).

%F a(4*n-1) = (4 + sqrt(15))^(2*n) + (4 - sqrt(15))^(2*n) - 2;

%F a(4*n+1) = 1/2*{(4 + sqrt(15))^(2*n+1) + (4 - sqrt(15))^(2*n+1)} - 2; a(2*n) = 1.

%F G.f.: -(x^4-2*x^3+12*x^2-2*x+1)*(x^4+4*x^3-4*x^2+4*x+1) / ((x-1)*(x+1)*(x^4-8*x^2+1)*(x^4+8*x^2+1)). [_Colin Barker_, Jan 14 2013]

%e product {k >= 0} (1 - 2*(4 - sqrt(15))^(4*k+3))/(1 - 2*(4 - sqrt(15))^(4*k+1)) = 1.33513 52548 90793 94897 ... = 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(1 + 1/(60 + 1/(1 + 1/(242 + ...))))).

%t LinearRecurrence[{0,1,0,62,0,-62,0,-1,0,1},{1,2,1,60,1,242,1,3840,1,15122},40] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Aug 03 2023 *)

%Y Cf. A221075 (N = 2), A221193 (N = 3) and A221195 (N = 5).

%K nonn,easy,cofr

%O 0,2

%A _Peter Bala_, Jan 08 2013

%E More terms from _Colin Barker_, Jan 14 2013