Primes p such that k*p is greater than the greatest prime factor of p^k - 1 and p^k + 1 for k = 1 to k = 4.

%I #11 Jun 01 2017 04:42:35

%S 3373,41893,62497,105557,165701,201577,208877,239803,302399,333107

%N Primes p such that k*p is greater than the greatest prime factor of p^k - 1 and p^k + 1 for k = 1 to k = 4.

%e The greatest factors of 3373^4 - 1 , 3373^6 - 1 and 3373^8 - 1 are respectively: 317, 6379, 7369.

%o (PARI) forprime(h=3,400000,f=h^3-1;g=h^3+1;k=vecmax(factor(f)[,1]~);l=vecmax(factor(g)[,1]~);m=h^4-1;n=h^4+1;o=vecmax(factor(m)[,1]~);p=vecmax(factor(n)[,1]~);if(3*h>k && 3*h>l && 4*h>o && 4*h>p, print1(h,", ")))

%Y Cf. A218833, A218834, A218863.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Robin Garcia_, Nov 08 2012