Numbers n such that the n-th Lucas number is prime and can be written in the form a^2 + 6*b^2.

%I #12 May 02 2013 13:10:04

%S 4,11,313,4787,10691,12251,14449,35449,36779,44507,51169,56003,148091,

%T 193201,202667,387433,616787,692147

%N Numbers n such that the n-th Lucas number is prime and can be written in the form a^2 + 6*b^2.

%H Blair Kelly, <a href="http://mersennus.net/fibonacci">Factorizations of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers</a>

%Y Cf. A000032, A001606.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _V. Raman_, Sep 08 2012