#iterations is a parameter that controls how many times #the morphism is iterated. For sufficiently large values #of iterations (depending on n), this procedure will generate #the first n terms of the sequence def firstNTerms(n, iterations): #define the morphism morph = dict() morph['0'] = '001' morph['1'] = '110' #construct the fixed point word = '0' for i in xrange(0, iterations): word2 = '' for c in word: word2 += morph[c] word = word2 #find the abelian complexity terms = [] for i in xrange(1, n + 1): absubwords = set([]) for j in xrange(0, len(word) - i + 1): subword = list(word[j:j + i]) subword.sort() absubwords.add(''.join(subword)) terms.append(len(absubwords)) return terms