Decimal expansion of the real part of -(i^e)

%I #14 Nov 21 2013 13:09:02

%S 4,2,8,2,1,9,7,7,3,4,1,3,8,2,7,7,5,3,7,6,0,2,6,2,0,9,1,2,5,9,8,4,5,9,

%T 6,4,5,4,8,4,1,0,0,1,3,8,2,8,2,8,6,7,0,2,3,5,2,6,7,3,9,1,8,0,5,0,6,4,

%U 9,9,9,0,5,7,8,2,2,6,8,5,1,8,8,3,0,5,3

%N Decimal expansion of the real part of -(i^e)

%C Also, decimal expansion of -cos(Pi*e/2).

%C The decimal expansion of the imaginary part of -i^e is in A211884.

%e 0.42821977341382775376026209125984596454841001382828670235267391805064...

%t RealDigits[Re[-I^E], 10, 87][[1]] (* _Bruno Berselli_, Apr 24 2012 *)

%Y Cf. A211884.

%K nonn,cons,easy

%O 0,1

%A _Stanislav Sykora_, Apr 24 2012