Prime numbers and primality testing is a Restricted Group with 1137 members. Yahoo Groups n!10+2 results Nathan Russell Message 1 of 1 , Jan 17, 2012 View Source Hi Ken, Gmail isn't letting me attach the zip of certificates, or rather keeps running slow. Let me know if you'd like me to just throw it on rapidshare for you to download or something. Also, I have two emails for you - which is current? The following are prime (note that the first 6 are the primes 2 thru 13): 0!10+2 1!10+2 3!10+2 5!10+2 9!10+2 11!10+2 13!10+2 19!10+2 21!10+2 25!10+2 41!10+2 57!10+2 all via pfgw 79!10+2 127!10+2 135!10+2 149!10+2 165!10+2 177!10+2 193!10+2 209!10+2 223!10+2 255!10+2 273!10+2 287!10+2 297!10+2 375!10+2 433!10+2 459!10+2 481!10+2 565!10+2 1079!10+2 1435!10+2 1543!10+2 1771!10+2 1913!10+2 1983!10+2 2063!10+2 2305!10+2 2653!10+2 6789!10+2 8757!10+2 11149!10+2 proven through primo. The last number has 4031 decimal digits and took approx 300 hours on my dual core Core II laptop, using 64 bit primo, between other tasks. I don't plan to search this range further, but the next few PRPs are: 13671!10+2 15433!10+2 16369!10+2 17261!10+2 18129!10+2 22129!10+2 22785!10+2 22875!10+2 25235!10+2 25247!10+2 26329!10+2