v(n+1)/v(n), where v=A203699.

%I #7 Jan 14 2013 03:48:44

%S 3,49,7581,7116564,53384011821,2691938356606629,974129194408249269936,

%T 2421523335222305362745057025,41813273584290579636523734161020881,

%U 4964034317033092618070068384710502904318976

%N v(n+1)/v(n), where v=A203699.

%C See A093883 for a discussion and guide to related sequences.

%t f[j_] := Fibonacci[j + 1]; z = 11;

%t u[n_] := Product[f[j]^2 - f[j] f[k] + f[k]^2,

%t {j, 1, k - 1}]

%t v[n_] := Product[u[n], {k, 2, n}]

%t Table[v[n], {n, 1, z}] (* A203699 *)

%t Table[v[n + 1]/v[n], {n, 1, z}] (* A203700 *)

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Clark Kimberling_, Jan 04 2012