Number of nX7 0..7 arrays with every nonzero element less than or equal to at least two horizontal and vertical neighbors

%I #4 Mar 31 2012 12:36:56

%S 1,186348,6975234574,79772073060022,781112517644514067

%N Number of nX7 0..7 arrays with every nonzero element less than or equal to at least two horizontal and vertical neighbors

%C Column 7 of A203443

%e Some solutions for n=5

%e ..3..3..2..5..5..7..7....7..7..5..0..5..5..2....3..3..0..7..7..5..2

%e ..3..7..7..5..2..7..7....7..7..5..7..7..5..4....4..4..7..7..7..5..2

%e ..1..7..7..4..6..6..4....5..6..5..7..7..4..4....4..5..7..2..3..4..0

%e ..7..7..4..2..6..3..4....2..7..7..6..5..5..5....0..5..7..0..4..7..7

%e ..7..7..6..6..6..4..4....0..7..7..3..0..5..5....0..0..7..7..7..7..7

%K nonn

%O 1,2

%A _R. H. Hardin_ Jan 01 2012