Arises in a Diophantine problem with one prime, two squares of primes and s powers of two.

%I #12 Aug 14 2019 04:29:55

%S 1,0,0,2,1,9,1,6,8,3,4,0

%N Arises in a Diophantine problem with one prime, two squares of primes and s powers of two.

%C First of two constants given on p. 2 of Languasco-Settimi.

%H Alessandro Languasco, Valentina Settimi, On a Diophantine problem with one prime, two squares of primes and s powers of two - Acta Arithmetica, 154 (2012), 385--412 (<a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/1103.1985">preliminary version</a>, arXiv:1103.1985 [math.NT], 2011).

%H Alessandro Languasco, Alessandro Zaccagnini, <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.4064/aa145-2-7">On a diophantine problem with two primes and s powers of two</a>, Acta Arithm. 145 (2) (2010) 193-208, eq (1.4).

%F Equals 2*B*(1+A(1)) with B=3.9171... and A(1) = 0.2792521041... (Languasco-Zaccagnini).

%e 10.021916834....

%K nonn,cons,less

%O 2,4

%A _Jonathan Vos Post_, Mar 11 2011