1/16 the number of (n+1) X 9 0..7 arrays with every 2 X 2 subblock strictly increasing clockwise or counterclockwise with one decrease, and at least two adjacent blocks having the same increasing direction.

%I #6 Oct 06 2015 22:09:41

%S 287769879,659741463420,1270931982853879,3094892136980310870,

%T 8974005118250282637773

%N 1/16 the number of (n+1) X 9 0..7 arrays with every 2 X 2 subblock strictly increasing clockwise or counterclockwise with one decrease, and at least two adjacent blocks having the same increasing direction.

%C Column 8 of A183738.

%e Some solutions with the first block increasing clockwise for 3 X 9:

%e ..0..1..0..1..0..6..1..6..7....0..1..0..1..0..7..0..6..7

%e ..3..2..3..2..4..5..3..4..2....3..2..3..2..4..5..2..3..1

%e ..0..1..0..1..0..6..1..5..0....0..1..0..1..0..6..7..4..7

%e ...

%e ...R..L..R..L..L..R..L..R.......R..L..R..L..L..R..L..R...

%e ...L..R..L..R..R..L..R..L.......L..R..L..R..R..L..R..L...

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _R. H. Hardin_, Jan 06 2011