/* REXX-Programm */ say 'Only a Library!' exit 1 /* */ /* */ m_u: procedure arg a, l, m /* initialisierung */ as = a ai = a li = (l-1) DO li a = a * ai a = a // m END return a /* Ein REXX-Programm */ call load 'mod_up.r' anzfpspr=0 do i = 2 to 99999 fpsprb.i = " " t=0 t2=0 do i2 = 2 to (i-2) call m_u i2, (i-1), i pt = result if (pt = 1) then do t = 1 fpsprb.i2 = fpsprb.i2||i||", " end if (pt > 1) then t2 = 1 end tg = t + t2 if (tg = 2) then do anzfpspr = anzfpspr + 1 ausgabe = "fpspr."||anzfpspr||" = "||i say ausgabe lineout("epspr_var.txt", ausgabe) end end lineout("fpsprb_table2.txt", "{| {{prettytable}") do i = 2 to 99999 ausgabe = "|"||i||" ||"||fpsprb.i||"@" say ausgabe lineout("fpsprb_table2.txt", ausgabe) lineout("fpsprb_table2.txt", "|-") end