Minimum number of rounds to be played to decide a two-player game of up to n rounds in which the winner of round j receives j points.

%I #14 Nov 08 2016 07:49:02

%S 1,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,7,7,8,9,10,10,11,12,12,13,14,15,15,16,17,17,18,19,19,

%T 20,21,22,22,23,24,24,25,26,27,27,28,29,29,30,31,31,32,33,34,34,35,36,

%U 36,37,38,39,39,40,41,41,42,43,43,44,45,46,46,47,48,48

%N Minimum number of rounds to be played to decide a two-player game of up to n rounds in which the winner of round j receives j points.

%C The game described above is played in the German TV Show 'Schlag den Raab'.

%C a(n) is the least k such that 2*A000217(k) > A000217(n). - _Peter Kagey_, Nov 07 2016

%H Peter Kagey, <a href="/A181534/b181534.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000</a>

%e For n = 15, the maximum number of rounds per game in the show, a(n) = 11. So there are at least eleven rounds to be played in each game.

%t Table[ Ceiling[ -1/2 + Sqrt[1/4 + 2 Ceiling[(n^2 + n + 2)/4]]], {n, 1, 50} ]

%o (PARI) a(n)=ceil(sqrt((n^2 + n + 5)\4*2+1/4)-1/2) \\ _Charles R Greathouse IV_, Jun 19 2013

%K nice,nonn,easy

%O 1,2

%A Oliver Gronau (ogronau(AT)web.de), Oct 29 2010

%E More terms from _Colin Barker_, May 29 2013