n-th zerofree positive number with digital sum n.

%I #18 Feb 16 2020 20:37:49

%S 1,11,21,31,41,51,61,71,81,118,137,165,193,257,294,376,467,567,676,

%T 785,894,1399,1778,1986,2887,3869,4869,5878,6887,7896,8959,9968,18798,

%U 26998,35999,45999,56899,66989,76998,87799

%N n-th zerofree positive number with digital sum n.

%C n-th value in n-th row of triangular array A069800 in which n-th row consists of numbers (excluding the digit 0) with digit sum n arranged in increasing numerical order.

%C For n > 376, a(n) has decimal representation xyy...y, where x = (n+1) mod 9 + 1, and among y's exactly two equal 8 and the rest equal 9. For example, a(377) = 1999999998999999999999999999999999989999999. - _Max Alekseyev_, Aug 20 2013

%H Zak Seidov, <a href="/A181178/b181178.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..70</a>

%e a(1) = 1 because 1 is the 1st number with digital sum 1;

%e a(2) = 11 because 11 is the 2nd number with digital sum 2 {2,11};

%e a(3) = 21 because 21 is the 3rd (zerofree positive) number with digital sum 3 {3,12,21,111};

%e a(4) = 31 because 31 is the 4th (zerofree positive) number with digital sum 4 {4,13,22,31,112,121,211,1111}.

%t nn=50; c=Table[0,{nn}]; t=c; cnt=0; n=0; While[cnt<nn, n++; If[DigitCount[n,10,0]==0, s=Total[IntegerDigits[n]]; If[s<=nn, c[[s]]++; If[c[[s]]==s, t[[s]]=n; cnt++]]]]; t

%Y Cf. A007953, A052382, A069800, A081927.

%K nonn,base,easy

%O 1,2

%A _Jonathan Vos Post_, Jan 25 2011