%I #2 Mar 31 2012 14:41:48
%S 1927639,48828,2069,735,664,118,46,36,19,15,11,12,27,169,57,100,279841
%N Iterative mapping with offset: a(1)=1927639, a(n)=A179216(a(n-1)-1).
%C a(18) is greater than 10^8 and of the form (p^16)qr, where p, q and r are distinct primes. Of the sequences of type a(n) = A179216(a(n-1)-1), this contains the smallest integer (11) that is part of an unknown sequence type (i.e. it is unknown if this sequence continues indefinitely in both directions, is part of a loop, or is part of the sequence A179225.)
%H Will Nicholes, <a href="http://willnicholes.com/math/primesigmap.htm">Iterative mapping of prime signatures</a>.
%Y Cf. A179216, A179225.
%K nonn
%O 1,1
%A _Will Nicholes_, Jul 10 2010