a(n) = (6*n + 1)^(2*n) - 1.

%I #10 Dec 24 2021 15:32:00

%S 0,48,28560,47045880,152587890624,819628286980800,6582952005840035280,

%T 73885357344138503765448,1104427674243920646305299200,

%U 21209401372879911350250244140624,508858109619679129936596364708525200

%N a(n) = (6*n + 1)^(2*n) - 1.

%C In Bátfai's notation, a(n) gives the total number of Turing machines with n states.

%H Norbert Bátfai, <a href="https://arxiv.org/abs/0908.1159">On the Running Time of the Shortest Programs</a>, arXiv:0908.1159 [cs.CC], Aug 10, 2009.

%t Table[(6n+1)^(2n)-1,{n,0,20}] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Dec 24 2021 *)

%o (Maxima) makelist((6*n + 1)^(2*n) - 1, n, 0, 20); /* _Franck Maminirina Ramaharo_, Jan 15 2019 */

%Y Cf. A028444.

%K easy,nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Jonathan Vos Post_, Aug 11 2009

%E Edited and name clarified by _Franck Maminirina Ramaharo_, Jan 15 2019