The absolute value of (the n-th isolated composite minus the n-th isolated prime).

%I #3 Mar 30 2012 18:52:34

%S 2,17,25,29,23,25,19,11,13,11,25,23,49,35,35,61,67,59,59,79,97,163,

%T 169,185,229,263,283,287,305,307,451,455,455,479,499,631,635,649,653,

%U 653,709,781,821,823,823,833,937,953,979,979,1067,1073,1111,1135,1145,1201,1279

%N The absolute value of (the n-th isolated composite minus the n-th isolated prime).

%C An isolated composite is surrounded by two primes, and therefore an average of a twin prime pair.

%F a(n)= |A014574(n)-A007510(n)|.

%e a(1)=abs(4-2)=2, a(2)=abs(6-23)=17.

%Y Cf. A007510, A014574.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Juri-Stepan Gerasimov_, Aug 11 2009

%E Entries checked by _R. J. Mathar_, Aug 27 2009