Year-end appeal: Please make a donation to the OEIS Foundation to support ongoing development and maintenance of the OEIS. We are now in our 61st year, we have over 378,000 sequences, and we’ve reached 11,000 citations (which often say “discovered thanks to the OEIS”).
%I #11 Sep 08 2022 08:45:44
%S 11,37,71,101,149,163,191,271,293,379,409,419,647,661,709,1153,1193,
%T 1231,1277,1523,1583,1619,1667,1693,1753,1777,1787,1913,2089,2099,
%U 2161,2213,2441,2473,2531,2551,2609,2711,2749,2909,2953,2999,3221,3257,3469
%N Primes p such that p^4 + 7^4 + 3^4 is prime.
%C For primes p, q, r the sum p^4 + q^4 + r^4 can be prime only if at least one of p, q, r equals 3. This sequence is the special case q = 7, r = 3.
%C It is conjectured that the sequence is infinite.
%C There are prime twins (6197, 6199) and other consecutive primes (409, 419; 2089, 2099) in the sequence.
%H Harvey P. Dale, <a href="/A160023/b160023.txt">Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..1000</a>
%e p = 7: 7^4 + 7^4 + 3^4 = 4883 = 19*257, so 7 is not in the sequence.
%e p = 11: 11^4 + 7^4 + 3^4 = 17123 is prime, so 11 is in the sequence.
%e p = 101: 101^4 + 7^4 + 3^4 = 104062883 is prime, so 101 is in the sequence.
%t Select[Prime[Range[500]],PrimeQ[#^4+2482]&] (* _Harvey P. Dale_, Jan 31 2017 *)
%o (Magma) [ p: p in PrimesUpTo(3500) | IsPrime(p^4+2482) ]; // _Klaus Brockhaus_, May 03 2009
%Y Cf. A158979, A159829, A160022.
%K easy,nonn
%O 1,1
%A Ulrich Krug (leuchtfeuer37(AT), Apr 30 2009
%E Edited and extended beyond 2441 by _Klaus Brockhaus_, May 03 2009