Start with 0; then add one to each single digit.

%I #8 Nov 30 2014 11:45:20

%S 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,21,32,43,54,65,76,87,98,109,210,321,432,543,

%T 654,765,876,987,1098,2109,3210,4321,5432,6543,7654,8765,9876,10987,

%U 21098,32109,43210,54321,65432,76543,87654,98765,109876,210987,321098,432109,543210

%N Start with 0; then add one to each single digit.

%C If 9 occurs anywhere except at the start of the number it is replaced by 0, but an initial 9 is replaced by 10. - _N. J. A. Sloane_, Mar 27 2009

%e 6543 -> 7654

%e 2109 -> 3210

%e 98765 -> 109876, etc.

%Y Cf. A061511.

%K nonn,base

%O 0,3

%A _Ruben Gil_, Mar 26 2009