Lower left-hand y-coordinates of invisible 2x2 squares with 0 < x < y.

%I #4 Aug 15 2015 09:05:31

%S 20,98,114,368,494,474,194,258,264,224,374,740,740,648,322,376,398,

%T 1000,1000,440,986,608,754,1000,544,644,1034,1274,406,1274,152,644,

%U 1274,50,1220,484,34,804,714,440,594,1014,220,1000,1182,370,390,574

%N Lower left-hand y-coordinates of invisible 2x2 squares with 0 < x < y.

%H Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, <a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/VisiblePoint.html">Visible Point</a>

%e {54, 20}, {174, 98}, {550, 114}, {574, 368}, {588, 494}, {608, 474}, ...

%Y Cf. A157426, A157427, A157428.

%K nonn

%O 1,1

%A _Eric W. Weisstein_, Mar 01 2009