Terms of this sequence are equal to gcd between two polynomials P1(n)=(512*n^4+1024*n^3+712*n^2+194*n+15) and P2(n)=(120*n^2+151*n+47) which are used in the BBP formula

%I #2 Mar 30 2012 18:39:45

%S 1,3,1,5,3,1,1,9,5,1,3,1,1,15,1,1,9,1,5,3,1,1,3,25,1,9,1,1,15,1,1,3,1,

%T 5,9,1,1,3,5,1,3,1,1,45,1,1,3,1,25,3,1

%N Terms of this sequence are equal to gcd between two polynomials P1(n)=(512*n^4+1024*n^3+712*n^2+194*n+15) and P2(n)=(120*n^2+151*n+47) which are used in the BBP formula

%o (PARI) j=[];for (n=0,50,j=concat(j, gcd(a(n),b(n))));j

%K nonn

%O 0,2

%A _Alexander R. Povolotsky_, Nov 11 2008