Partial sums of number of primes < n-th prime p such that p+2 is prime.

%I #6 Aug 06 2017 20:48:45

%S 0,1,3,5,8,11,15,19,23,28,33,38,44,50,56,62,69,76,83,91,99,107,115,

%T 123,131,140,149,159,169,179,189,199,210,221,233,245,257,269,281,293,

%U 306,319,333,347,362,377,392,407,423,439,455,472,489,506,523,540,558,576

%N Partial sums of number of primes < n-th prime p such that p+2 is prime.

%C Partial sums of A082462. [_R. J. Mathar_, Oct 06 2008]

%p isA001359 := proc(p) if isprime(p) and isprime(p+2) then 1; else 0; fi; end: A082462 := proc(n) add( isA001359(ithprime(i)),i=1..n) ; end: A145197 := proc(n) add( A082462(i),i=1..n) ; end: for n from 1 to 200 do printf("%d,",A145197(n)) ; od: # _R. J. Mathar_, Oct 06 2008

%K nonn

%O 1,3

%A _Giovanni Teofilatto_, Oct 04 2008

%E Corrected and extended by _R. J. Mathar_, Oct 06 2008