Bases and exponents in the prime decomposition of n replaced by digits of the Gregorian Calendar with these indices.

%I #13 Jun 16 2017 02:48:01

%S 1,3,6,5,256,2,18,5,256,27,30,2,12288,6,12,59049,729,5,524288,3,15552,

%T 56,18,5,2048,729,12,387420489,3645,2,0,3,7776,16,1,18,200,2,18,12,9,

%U 3,90,2,32,3645,16,1,750,25,8,18,324,1,5103

%N Bases and exponents in the prime decomposition of n replaced by digits of the Gregorian Calendar with these indices.

%C Start from the prime decomposition of n, not writing down exponents which are 1. That is the list 0, 1, 2, 3, 2^2, 5, 2*3, 7, 2^3, 3^2, 2*5, 11, 2^3*3, 13, 2*7, 3*5, 2^4, 17, 2*3^2, ... Replace each number i in this representation by the i-th digit in the Gregorian Calendar: 1(365(28 Feb)), 2(365(28 Feb)), 3(365(28 Feb)), 4(366(29 Feb)), 5(365(28 Feb)), ... This generates the sequence, namely 1, 3, 6, 5, 2^8, 2, 3*6, 5, 2^8, 3^3, 6*5, 2, 8^4*3, 6, 6*2, 9^5, 3^6, 5, 2*8^6, ...

%H <a href="/index/Ca#calendar">Index entries for sequences related to calendars</a>

%e 2*8^6 = 2560 = a(19).

%e 3 = a(20).

%e 6^5*2 = 93312 = a(21).

%e 8*7 = 56 = a(22).

%e 3*6 = 18 = a(23).

%e 5 = a(24),

%e 2^8*8 = 2048 = a(25),

%e etc.

%Y Cf. A000040, A141569.

%K nonn,less,base

%O 1,2

%A _Juri-Stepan Gerasimov_, Nov 25 2008